Study of the SVG Compensation Effect on Power Quality Caused by Electrified Railway SVG对电气化铁路电能质量补偿效果的研究
Unbalanced structure of competitive capacities and its compensation effect from the perspective of asynchronous development 非同步性发展视角下的竞技能力非衡结构及其补偿效应
Study on the Physiological and Biochemical Response and Compensation Effect of Maize under Water Deficit 唐诗英译中诗化地名意蕴传递的亏损和补偿玉米水分亏缺的生理生化响应及补偿效应研究
Study on Water-Saving Mechanism and Compensation Effect of Pear-Jujube on Water-Regulated 水分调控下梨枣树节水机理及补偿效应研究
Otherwise, good compensation effect will be lost. 否则,不能起良好的补偿效果。
Estimation of average pore throat radius by NMR log data Hole Compensation Effect and A-site Radius Effect Studies on La-based Cuprate Superconductors 利用核磁共振测井资料计算平均孔喉半径铜氧化物高温超导体空穴补偿效应和A位平均离子半径效应研究
Hole Compensation Effect and A-site Radius Effect Studies on La-based Cuprate Superconductors 铜氧化物高温超导体空穴补偿效应和A位平均离子半径效应研究等高平面位置显示器
The Physiological Mechanism of Compensation Effect in Maize Leaf by Re-watering after Draught Stress 干旱复水激发玉米叶片补偿效应的生理机制
Detail circuit model is built up and simulated with Workbench to validate the expected compensation effect. 通过具体的电路模型验证了预期补偿效果,并用Workbench对其进行仿真。
Degree of compensation effect dependeds on stress stage, stress duration and stress severity. 补偿程度与水分胁迫时期、胁迫程度和胁迫历时有关。
This thesis based on structure-invariable theory brings forward the displacement servo motor current feedforward compensation for the first time, which overcomes the limit of the methods upwards, and good compensation effect is found from theoretic simulation in linear constant system. 本文从整体的观点出发,基于结构不变性原理,首次提出了位置伺服系统电流前馈补偿法,克服了上述补偿方法的局限性,在线性定常系统的理论仿真中,得到了很好的补偿效果。
It presents the compensation effect, shortage in operation and maintenance experience of the capacitor compensation cabinet. 介绍电容补偿柜的补偿效果、使用中发现的不足及一些维护经验。
Considering the reactive compensation effect, an optimal selection of reactive compensation site using sensitivity analysis approach is proposed. 将电压稳定与无功补偿地点的选择相联系,从无功补偿点的补偿效应出发,提出一种基于灵敏度法确定无功补偿地点的方法。
The simulation results show the excellent compensation effect and confirm the validity of theoretical analysis. 仿真结果表明基于功率平衡原理的串联型APF对电压型谐波源具有较好的补偿效果,证明了理论分析的正确性。
Study on the Compensation Effect for a Series of Related Reactions in Thermal Analysis 热分析中系列相关反应的补偿效应研究
Laser atmospheric communicator often use adaptive optics system to compensation effect of turbulence. 激光大气通信机常常采用自适应光学(AO)系统补偿大气湍流的影响。
Experiments respectively on ordinary and high accuracy zero flux current transformers prove that the method has perfect compensation effect. 分别对普通电流互感器和高精度零磁通电流互感器进行了比较实验,实验数据表明了这种方法具有理想的补偿效果。
The result shows that shunt hybrid APF has good compensation effect, which can obviously manage current distortion of the system, and the quality of voltage can get some improvement after adding shunt hybrid APF to the system. 结果表明,并联混合型APF具有良好的补偿效果,能够明显的治理系统的电流畸变,并且加装了并联混合型APF以后系统的电压质量也能得到少许的改善。
In general, limit irrigation to improve the quality of the potato have some compensation effect. 限灌对马铃薯品质的提高有一定的补偿效应。
The experimental results show that the design of SVG is reasonable and the device has a good compensation effect. 实验结果表明,研制的SVG装置设计合理,具有良好的补偿效果,证实了该装置的可行性。
Rewater induced part-compensation or equivalent compensation effect. 7. 复水后产生部分补偿效应或等量补偿效应。
Different agency power distribution on senior manager compensation effect and effect is also different. 而不同委托代理权力的分配对高级管理者薪酬的作用和影响又是不同的。
Pot and test-pit experiments were conducted to study the compensation effect of rice under water stress. 本文通过盆栽和测坑试验研究了水稻的水分胁迫补偿效应。
Water deficit reduced root activity; compensation effect of root activity was obvious after water covered. 在水分亏缺条件下,根系活力降低,覆水后根系活力补偿效应明显。
At last, the project implementation is introduced. This paper also analyzes the compensation effect and the economic benefits arising from the device put into operation, the result shows that the application of the device has good compensation effect to reactive power and good economic benefits. 最后介绍了该装置的工程实施情况,分析了装置的工程实施效果和所产生的经济效益,结果证明了该装置的应用具有良好的补偿效果和很好的经济效益。
Active Power Filter has high requirements of the real-time and compensation effect in practice. Firstly, the basic principle of the Active Power Filter is introduced in the paper. Then variety of control strategies that could use in the APF is introduced too. 在实际应用中,对有源电力滤波器的实时性和补偿效果有很高的要求。本文首先介绍了有源电力滤波器的基本工作原理,以及在有源滤波技术中可运用的多种控制策略。
The simulation results show that this control schemes have good SVG dynamic response characteristics and static compensation effect, verify the main circuit and control mode of correctness, advantages and high efficiency. 仿真结果证明该种控制方案下SVG具有良好的动态响应特性与静态补偿效果,验证了主电路及其控制方式的正确性、优越性与高效性。
Plant height and stem diameter growth showed obviously compensation effect with irrigation water amount increased on reproductive stage. 生殖生长期加大灌水量后,株高和茎粗的增长产生明显的补偿生长效应。
Other physiological change also has the compensation effect. 其他的生理变化也有补偿效应的发生。
When consider the compensation effect of environmental regulation, the indirect impact is positively. 但在同时考虑技术创新的作用时,环境规制对产业绩效的影响是正面的。